International brochure about Steatotic Liver Disease
Here information about the steatotic liver disease (untill 2023 known as Non Alcoholic Liver Disease) You will find information about the disease itself, what does it mean to your life and how to deal with this.

But what is SLD?

Lets go back to June, when the following statement was made:

“Renaming fatty liver disease as steatotic liver disease is more “affirmative” and less stigmatizing to patients”, according to the European Association for the Study of the Liver, during their annual congress in Vienna. Academic professionals from around the world including hepatologists, gastroenterologists, paediatricians, endocrinologists, hepatopathologists, and public health and obesity experts have been involved in the consultations.


The new nomenclature is SLD – Steatotic Liver Disease with the following subdivisions:

MASLD is Metabolic Associated Steatotic Liver Disease, previously known as NAFLD or Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
MASH is Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated SteatoHepatitis, previously known as Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis

We encourage our members to support the name changes in their own country and to introduce the word “steatotic” instead of “fatty”.