Become a member
By becoming a member of LPI you will be a part of an international united voice fighting for a world where all patients affected by liver disease, wherever they live in the world, have access to timely diagnosis, appropriate healthcare, the best possible quality of life, and that their voice is part of the decision-making process
Join us today and participate in a wide variety of activities for liver disease areas, evidencing LPI’s diversity, inclusiveness and commitment to progress.
LPI is looking to be as inclusive as possible!
Recruitment Plan
Read the Recruitment Plan here.
Categories of Membership
The membership of Liver Patients International shall consist of national or international liver patients groups or associations with relative affinity.
We have three categories of Members: Full Members, Associate Members and Provisional Members.
Full Members and Associate Members have the right to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, to participate in seminars and workshops and to receive information on the activities of the Association, including financial accounts and the decisions of the Board of Directors. Provisional Members are those who have applied for Full Membership, who meet all appropriate criteria, have positive recommendation from the Board of Directors, and whose application is pending approval by the General Assembly.
Each Full Member has one vote. Associate Members and Provisional Members do not have voting rights.
Admission – Conditions for membership
Organizations wishing to apply for membership shall apply and our Board of Directors will submit it to the General Assembly. The decision to approve or refuse a candidate belongs to the discretionary powers of the General Assembly.
The application for membership should in any event include the information required at form provided below. For more information please read our statute (section III).
After your submission an interview will follow with our Vice Chair, Robert – Mitchell Thain.
Membership fees
Full Members and Associate Members shall pay an annual membership fee. The way of calculation and the amount of the annual membership fees shall be determined by the General Assembly.
For membership queries please address to our Vice Chair Robert – Mitchell Thain at or contact us at
If you experience any problems with the submission form, please send all required information via email under the title “Membership application” to